We work to improve and achieve the highest quality of our processes and products as well as the
service we offer to our customers.
We are also aware of the Environment. To reinforce our commitment to quality and environment, we have the ISO / TS certificates of quality and environment.
To ensure the quality of our products we have the following means:
o Two 3D measuring devices
o Welding laboratory
o Metallographic laboratory
o Traction machine
Environmental performance
METALÚRGICAS PABUR is a company committed to the conservation of the Environment and certified for it with ISO 14001.
In 2023, Pabur has managed to reduce electricity consumption by 17.55% in Kwh/Tm manufactured compared to the previous three-year period.
In 2023, Pabur has managed to reduce paper consumption by 22.92% in kg/Tm manufactured compared to the previous three-year period.
Integrated Quality Management Policy
METALÚRGICAS PABUR, S.L. defines its policy as: